My name is legion

Священник Георгий Максимов
Cosmic mentors, humanoids, energy allies, UFOs - myth or reality? Countless reports on unidentified flying objects (UFO) and other paranormal phenomena.
  • Complete collection of scientific information on UFOs
  • Secret data, still unknown to many
  • Uri Geller on the source of his abilities
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Cosmic mentors, humanoids, energy allies, UFOs - myth or reality?

Countless reports on unidentified flying objects (UFO) and other paranormal phenomena, as well as on the continually increasing number of appalling contacts with rational beings of non-human nature have long made investigators doubt their objects' space origin, despite the striking divergence of their physical characteristics from conventional views on matter.

One of the leading figures in paranormal phenomena investigations in the USSR, Vladimir G. Azhazha, Doctor of Philosophy, candidate of technical science, member of the USSR Scientific-Engineering Societies Association Ufologic Commission since 1975, was in charge of the scientific topic "The Hydrospheric Aspect of the UFO Problem". In 1990 he headed the first state institution for UFO research at the USSR Academy of Science, known then as All-State Interindustry Ufologic Scientific Centre. After many years of scrupulous analysis of immense and multiform data the scientist's view on UFO origin changed radically.

Having initially belonged to the prevailing at the time group of scientists ( ) upholding the hypothesis of UFO extraterrestrial origin, in 1990 he stated: "During the period of ten recent years the Earth has witnessed (at my calculation) several scores of millions UFO landings. This Commission alone receives about ten-fifteen reports daily from every corner of the country. On October 5, 1989 the city of Kirov registered nearly a hundred occurrences of the kind, which is comparable to their annual number throughout the Perm region. To explore a planet, to probe it on such an intense scale would have been impossible if the 'researchers' were not inhabiting it themselves. They would have had neither sufficient resources nor enough spaceships. The frequency of contacts with humanoids points at their residing amidst us, on the same planet" ('Vecherniaya Moskva', March 24, 1990, p. 4).
  • Part I. "Exstraterrestrial intellect" nearby
  • Disputes on the "field forms" of life
  • The 'invasion' exploration is led by military men.
  • Scientists abandon the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
  • Scientists abandon the extraterrestrial hypothesis (part II).
  • One single aim is pursued: capture of minds
  • The fatal consequences of the "encounters"
  • Victims to curiosity
  • The "fiery" gift.
  • Christian prayer is not to the 'newcomers' liking.
  • Experts' conclusions
  • Nonsense parade
  • Massed misinformation
  • Contacts are followed by mental disorders
  • How are new false religions born?
  • Humanoids' intentions are far from humane.
  • Is there any "secret" knowledge in Christ's teaching?
  • It is too short a way from seeking the "secrets of healing" - to denying Christ.
  • Free cheese in the Initiation mouse-trap.
  • Forms of humanoids' self-express.
  • Methods used by CPW
  • Forms of CPW self-express

  • Part II. "Latent potentialities" of man
  • The literary form of CPW self-express
  • Infernal Poetry
  • A nine-days-old "infant prodigy"
  • "Allies from the realm of shadows"
  • Subliminal dictation
  • A psychic's gift.
  • When the 'author' resembles a computer
  • "Creative Work" without either knowledge or ability?
  • "Someone dawns upon you"
  • Sergey Esenin and doctor Faustus. Similarity of fates?
  • "I will surely seduce…" (сf. Judges 4,9)
  • Freedom in a Soviet way.

  • The musical form of CPW self-express
  • "Merely a recorder...". Motor automatism.
  • Monk Mercuriy's evidence.
  • "He murders people in his songs…"
  • Propagation of deadly sins
  • Psycho-programming methods
  • A Musical Revenge.
  • The Pan-like composers.
  • The pictorial form of CPW self-express
  • Whom do the "latent abilities" belong to?
  • Special love for falsifications
  • 'Sacred knowledge' in symbols and colours
  • Can a painting be aged?
  • The witch's circles.
  • The occult paths to the contacts
  • Who awakens the "God's gift"?
  • Creative activity stimulation in hypnosis.
  • A slap in the face for... prayer.

  • The illusionist form of CPW self-express.
  • "The great delusion" is not the sleight of hand.
  • Telepathic mechanisms.
  • Whose power is acting?
  • Fakir's hatred
  • Dr Faust's jokes
  • When the "omnipotent allies" turn helpless
  • What does "the implantation of feelings" mean?
  • The true makers of the false miracles
  • Playing the role of a wireless set
  • The four aspects of the Geller phenomenon

  • Telepathy
  • How do "they" do it?
  • "Nothing will prevent me from serving their aims..."

  • Psychokinesis
  • Mediums for an hour
  • Schizophrenia by TV
  • Where do these "powers" come from?
About the author
Before the beginning of his ministry in the Church, schihegumen Gabriel (Vinogradov-Lakerbaya) received a multifaceted education: university, musical, artistic and pedagogical. In 1985, leaving behind his work and science, he dedicated himself to the ministry of the Church and in 1987 he assumed the priesthood and then the monastic tonsure with the name Ephraim in honor of the Reverend Ephraim Sirin.

For several years, father Ephraim dedicated the restoration of the temples of the Vologda region, and then was appointed viceroy of the Vologda Spaso-Prilutsk Monastery (1991-1994), transferred to the diocese in late 1990. Already in August 1992, the previously destroyed monastery was able to receive within its walls the Holy Patriarch Alexy II, who opened an international conference dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh and Dimitri of Prilutsk in ancient rooms.

After the restoration of the monastery, hegumen Ephraim went out of the state for health reasons and settled in a secluded place of the Vladimir region, devoting all his time to prayer, reading of holy fathers, answering letters of spiritual children, as well as working on his own books, by the blessing of the spiritual father, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), signing his texts with the literary pseudonym Hegumen N.

In 2003 abbot Ephraim was appointed head of the Caucasian Monastery founded by Viceroy of the Valaam Monastery, Archimandrite Pankratius (now Bishop), and in this capacity remains. Later he was appointed head of the Valaam Holy Trinity Compound, also located in the mountains, but somewhat closer to the Black Sea coast.

In the spring of 2017, under the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Cyril, abbot Ephraim was tonsured by Bishop Pankratius in a great schism with a name in honor of Archangel Gabriel, leaving behind him former obedience.
Who should read it?
Sometimes just one book can answer thousands of questions. Perhaps you have an opinion of the true nature of aliens, wizards, and supernatural phenomenons.

This book will reveal to you such spiritual mysteries hidden behind simple everyday things and phenomena of which you may or may not have thought. After all, do you really see the whole picture?
Book imprint

Size (sm) 20.1 х 13.5 х 2.2

Hard cover

Offset paper

Weight 378g

Pages 416

In package 12 pcs

In stock

Only paper

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